Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Case Study: Cascade Women's Health

Cascade Women’s Health group’s philosophy is to provide gynecological and obstetrical care in a “user-friendly” environment. To that end, this Ohio practice services patients the “old-fashioned” way.

When you call the office, you don’t get a computer, you get a helpful person on the other end of the line. The office staff has been able to continue that almost-forgotten service by saving time in other areas, through the use of modern technology.

Cascade’s practice administrator, Nancy H., explains that the office became much more efficient three years ago, when the staff and providers began using Motion tablet computers.
Everyone especially loves the size of the tablets – they are small and lightweight, but still support all of the practice’s needs. All of the providers carry the tablets from room to room while they see their patients, and all information is entered into the tablet before each patient has walked out of the door.

The providers write their notes and prescriptions, and they even order lab work, right on the tablets. The office also has tablets at the patient check-out windows, and the providers carry the tablets with them to the hospital and to their homes.

Since Cascade began working with John Hill and Allegiance Tablet PC Experts, the office has been moving forward in its technology and efficiency, while not moving backwards in the realm of customer service. Talk with Nancy, and she’ll highly recommend the technology – and you WILL be able to talk with her, because real people answer the phone at this practice!

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