Monday, November 20, 2006

John Hill Unplugged

My family says I'm crazy and they don't want anything to do with me...

My employees are skeptical but curious...

My dog is excited...

From November 23rd through December 25th, I'm going to be "unplugged" - no electronic devices outside of normal business hours. I'll give Dr. Stephen Covey (of 7 Habits for Highly Effective People fame) the credit or blame. Having listened to some CDs given to me by a vendor, I agree that I don't spend enough time in what he calls Quadrant II - those things that are important but not urgent.

As Dr. Covey says, people understand that spending time on those things that are important (but not urgent) like playing board games with the family, calling friends on the phone, financial and future planning, playing ball with the dog, is where we would like to spend more of our time. The problem is that we are distracted by Quadrant I (urgent and important) and Quadrant III (urgent and not important).

I'll be leaving my tablet and cell phone at the office, avoiding the TV, stereo, phone and computer at home and doing my best to ignore the siren call of the urgent for that which is important.


Unknown said...

Good for you, John!

May God bless you and your family this holiday season as you enjoy the "treasure" things in life.

- KathieEM22

MiniMage said...

More than a month? This is more frightening than any of the many Steven King books I've read! I can't even think about it without going into fight-or-flight response.