Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Guess what one of my resolutions is...

That's right, to blog more often. Anyway, here goes...

Let me know if your kids are using tablets, notebooks or other mobile technology in their school. I've been reading some very interesting articles about how this technology is being implemented, but it always seems to go hand-in-hand with someone like HP or Microsoft providing a grant for the technology, not the school deciding it is a good idea and implementing it.

While I can see how tablets are perfect for the classroom setting and we have lots of professors and students using them, it seems to be people who are sourcing the technology on their own, not those implementing it school-wide.

Seems like there needs to be more software like BlackBoard and DyKnow out there before this technology gets more widely implemented.

1 comment:

K said...

I was the technology coordinator at a public HS in NJ. We gave tablets PC's to each teacher. We also have a wireless Epson projector in each classroom. We have two mobile carts each filled with 24 tablet PC's for the students to use. Our three year tech plan (2007-2010) had the goal of each student having a mobile device of their own.